Coffee Cart Catering in Minneapolis
Hiring Gondolier Coffee is the easiest part to planning an unforgettable event.

Coffee Cart
Catering in Minneapolis
Hiring Gondolier Coffee is the easiest part of planning an unforgettable event.

Coffee Cart
Catering in Minneapolis
Hiring Gondolier Coffee is the easiest part of planning an unforgettable event.

We started booking Gondolier Coffee for our monthly Sales Meetings and Jonathan and his team have been fantastic. We brought in an additional 50 team members and they still knocked it out of the park! I would highly recommend Gondolier Coffee for your event."

-Tim W.

We started booking Gondolier Coffee for our monthly Sales Meetings and Jonathan and his team have been fantastic. We brought in an additional 50 team members and they still knocked it out of the park! I would highly recommend Gondolier Coffee for your event."

-Tim W.

We started booking Gondolier Coffee for our monthly Sales Meetings and Jonathan and his team have been fantastic. We brought in an additional 50 team members, and they still knocked it out of the park! I would highly recommend Gondolier Coffee for your event."

-Tim W.

Director of Business Specialists, Sysco
Director of Business Specialists, Sysco




Need to find a top-notch coffee cart right now?

Need a top-notch coffee cart now?

Need to find a top-notch coffee cart right now?

Other caterers say your event is…
Other caterers say your event is…

❖ Too many people.

❖ Too challenging.

❖ Too soon.

❖ Too many people.

❖ Too challenging.

❖ Too soon.

Your guests deserve a
fancy coffee.

Your guests deserve a
fancy coffee.

Your guests deserve a
fancy coffee.

Are you a good fit?
Are you a good fit?

❖ In a year or tomorrow?

❖ 50 to 1,500 people?

❖ 1 hour to 3 days?

❖ In a year or tomorrow?

❖ 50 to 1,500 people?

❖ 1 hour to 3 days?

Gondolier was such a big hit I have a feeling they're gonna always want you there…You're certainly amazing at what you do and you have such great disposition. Really loved it and got nothing but 100% great feedback. Not one piece was negative that is really a record, in my book anyway."

Darcy Fredrick

DoubleTree Minneapolis Conference Organizer

Gondolier Coffee is passionate about creating experiences that make your event feel special. Based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, we serve handcrafted coffee with a focus on bringing people together, one cup at a time.

Copyright @ 2024 – Gondolier Coffee

Gondolier Coffee is passionate about creating experiences that make your event feel special. Based in New Hope, Minnesota, we serve handcrafted coffee with a focus on bringing people together, one cup at a time.

Quick Links

Copyright @ 2024 – Gondolier Coffee

Ready to Party?

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Treat your guests to a fancy coffee
(even if your event is tomorrow!)

Ready to Party?

Get a Quote

Treat your guests to a fancy coffee
(even if your event is tomorrow!)

Ready to Party?

Get a Quote

Treat your guests to a fancy coffee
(even if your event is tomorrow!)


Gondolier Coffee is passionate about creating experiences that make your event feel special. Based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, we serve handcrafted coffee with a focus on bringing people together, one cup at a time.

Copyright @ 2024 – Gondolier Coffee